(Extension advisor Jay Solomon gives a presentation on wind energy at the Livingston center in Monticello, PC: Steve Hoffman)
On Oct. 7th 2019, the University of Illinois Extension office sponsored a Wind Energy Q&A in Monticello, Illinois. The event was hosted by University of Illinois Extension Energy & Environmental Stewardship Specialist Jay Solomon Jr. and Illinois State Economics Professor David Loomis. Presentation topics included the economic development impact of wind energy on rural counties, wind turbines' lack of adverse effects on property values, and debunking common wind energy misconceptions. Piatt County residents gathered to learn all this and more from the pair of researchers, with over 30 attendees.
Read More at: https://www.journal-republican.com/news/wind-energy-touted-at-q-a/article_2f0b3b50-ef78-11e9-81d3-93c3ee2fe4d3.html